On August 24th, architecture historian Christopher Pickell presents a lecture on Dutch architecture
On August 24th, architecture historian Christopher Pickell presents a lecture on Dutch architecture at the historic Wade-Wyckoff Barn located at the Bouman-Stickney Farmstead in the Stanton section of Readington Townships. There is a $5.00 suggested donation for adults, and reservations are highly recommended; click here to RSVP.
In 1741 Dutch homesteader Thomas Bouman erected the building now known as the Bouman-Stickney Farmstead. But just how typical is the building of Dutch architectural design? Find out from architecture historian Christopher Pickell, who will deliver a talk on Dutch design, and lead a tour in and around buildings. Mr. Pickell has been involved in historic preservation and restoration projects in Hunterdon and Mercer counties. He heads up the Flemington firm of Pickell Architecture, lauded for its work in adaptive reuse projects.
The Wade-Wyckoff Barn, or “New World Dutch Barn” as it has come to be known, is one of the last physical reminders of the pre-industrial agricultural heritage of eastern New York and New Jersey. The efficient, heavy timber structural system adapted from Northern European precedents, reflects the practical construction and engineering skills of the predominately Dutch immigrants who settled the area, and their descendants. These barns are now rapidly disappearing from our rural landscapes and are in urgent need of increased study and preservation efforts.
The Readington Museums, located in beautiful central New Jersey, were established to promote an understanding and appreciation of early New Jersey and Readington’s history and culture through education, research, preservation, collection, and interpretation. The properties constituting the Museums are intended to be utilized as educational living history experiences for the community; to provide an appropriate setting for interpreting and preserving collections of artifacts relating to the history of the Township; and to offer an historic venue for a broad range of activities for Readington residents, such as educational programs, community cultural events and meetings of groups interested in local history.