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Shared Cultural Heritage | Call for Proposals USA 2020

The Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York welcomes project proposals for initiatives focusing on Dutch-American cultural heritage.

Through Dutch Culture USA, the Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York actively promotes and supports Dutch-American cultural heritage: the tangible and intangible legacy from the past, shared by our two countries. The Shared Cultural Heritage (SCH) Program aims at better management, conservation and accessibility of shared cultural heritage for a broad public. Through international exchange and sustainable cooperation, the Shared Cultural Heritage Program aims to enhance the visibility and appreciation of shared cultural heritage by reinforcing the awareness of our shared heritage for a broad American audience.

The U.S. and the Netherlands share a history of over 400 years. From the 17th century New Netherland colony, to its aftermath, from the Dutch migration to the Midwest in the 18th century and the Louisiana Purchase to the Second World War This Dutch-American history has left many traces in the U.S., such as collections, archives, historic sites, vocabulary, geographic names and more broadly the legacy of tolerance, trade and social mobility.

Since 2013, the Dutch Culture USA Program of the Consulate General in New York has supported a wide range of projects. These projects range from digitization projects to educational programs, from exhibitions to heritage tourism projects and from intangible heritage to the cross over to contemporary art forms. Within these projects, there is room for multiple perspectives on history. You can find examples of projects supported on our website Dutch Culture USA:

Your application | Project criteria

The project commences between 1 September and 1 December 2020 and will run for a period not exceeding two years;

  • The project promotes the sustainable preservation, management and accessibility of Dutch-American cultural heritage;
  • The project increases sustainable cooperation and knowledge exchange between the Netherlands and the U.S.
  • The project creates awareness and knowledge about Dutch-American cultural heritage primarily among an American audience;
  • A communication strategy, in which the financial support from Dutch Culture USA is acknowledged, is part of the project planning.
  • The regional focus lies on New York City and New York State or other former New Netherland states, such as New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut. The Consulate also looks with interest to cultural heritage in the Midwest (such as Michigan and Iowa). The Consulate strives for a national approach and accepts proposals from all over the U.S.

Applicant criteria

1. Grant applications must be submitted by an American organization that is a non-profit or for-profit legal entity

2. Requested financial contributions cannot exceed $25,000.

3. Total combined Dutch government support (including any support from the Dutch national arts funds) may not exceed more than 50% of the total costs of the project.

4. Expenses that are eligible for support are, among others: transportation, travel, accommodation, publication, production, PR/marketing, event documentation (AV, photography, professional camera work), educational materials, digitization costs and other production aspects that are necessary to organize the project.

5. Expenses that are not eligible for support are, among others: research and preparation phases of a potential future project, fees and per diems for the Dutch participants, salaries and general operating costs, insurance expenses, hospitality and entertainment (receptions, dinners, parties, etc.), entrance or participation fees for conferences and other meetups, traditional Holland promotion.

6. Applicants may be asked to lower the requested contribution.

7. Applicants that have been denied a contribution will be denied (again).

8. Past projects or projects that have already started are not eligible for a contribution.

9. Previously successful applicants are not automatically guaranteed future contributions.

Deadline and Application Procedure

Applicants are required to send in a letter of intent. The letter is a maximum of 2 pages and must include:

  • A brief description of the project and how the project increases awareness, knowledge and preservation of Dutch-American heritage
  • An indication of the expenses for which support is sought
  • Start and end dates of the project
  • A preliminary budget with an indication about other funding sources that are being pursued

If your letter of intent sufficiently fits the criteria, Dutch Culture USA will invite you to fill out a full application. Dutch Culture USA aims to decide on your letter of intent within 2-3 weeks by email. · Please send in your letter of intent to Sophie van Doornmalen at

The final deadline for sending in your letter of intent is 8 July 2020.


If you have any questions, please contact us at

Further information

The Shared Cultural Heritage Program is part of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy:

DutchCulture USA