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Dance Company Arch8 to Perform Tetris (6+) and Murikamification (7+)

Tetris by Arch 8 Erik Kaiel © Jeroen Bosch

Thu, May 9 - Sat, May 18  2019

Various Locations

_I_n May, Dutch dance company Arch8 will perform their shows Tetris (6+) and Murikamification (7+), both choreographed by Erik Kaiel, in respectively Miami and Pittsburgh.

About Tetris

Inspired by the game Tetris the dancers dance with the walls, the hall. This extremely physical dance quartet explores how we connect with one another, building a private language to communicate, and then invite others to enter into our world. The village will come alive. It is for the kids who can’t sit still, for the ones who like to climb the walls, and those who can imagine further than they can see. Tetris has been touring Europe for a few years to enthusiastic response. In January 2016, Tetris won the People’s Choice Victor Award at IPAY 2016 in Montreal.


Thursday, May 9, 11.00 am – sold out
Friday, May 10, 11.00 am – sold out
Saturday, May 11, 11.00 am – tickets

At Miami Theater Center
9806 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, FL

About Murikamification

In ‘Murikamification’, Erik Kaiel shares his unique style of public space performance. From the subways of Montreal to the alleys of Africa to the streets of Europe, his performers evoke dream worlds, layering them upon ordinary urban space.

This work invites audiences to step into the daydream that unfolds before their eyes. Using the magical, surrealistic stories of Haruki Murakami (JP) as a source of inspiration, Kaiel creates an intensely physical and absurd performance trail. In each new city, the work is adapted to the local context. In each version of ‘Murikamification’, a diverse and curious audience is overwhelmed by surprising scenery in the streets of the(ir own) city.


Thursday, May 16, 10:30am – 11:15am
Friday, May 17, 11:30am – 12:15pm
Friday, May 17, 03:45pm – 04:30pm
Saturday, May 18, 11:15am – 12:00pm

At the Pittsburgh Children’s Theater Festival
Throughout the cultural district. For more info, see the website of the Pittsburgh Children’s Theater Festival.

About Arch8

This isn’t an everyday dance company. Arch8 / Erik Kaiel views theatrical traditions as a resource, using them to create new forms. Arch8 / Erik Kaiel then shares these new forms in public space, architectural space, and theatrical space. There is a high degree of interactivity in the work. Arch8 / Erik Kaiel consistently encourages an active viewing, a participatory imagining on the part of the public. With its innovative approach, the company has performed around the globe, including St. Petersburg, Istanbul, Cairo, New York, San Francisco, Vancouver, Senegal, and throughout Europe.

Erik Kaiel © Shaw Entertainment Group

About Erik Kaiel

Erik Kaiel has been making dances for many years. In subway stations, sculpture gardens, empty swimming pools, city streets, and occasionally on stage. In 2003, after a decade in New York City, he moved to the Netherlands. He performs, choreographs and teaches throughout Netherlands, Europe, and the world.

In the last few years, he taught and built public space performances with local dancers in Benin, Senegal, Utrecht & the Hague. He is the artistic director of Crosstown Den Haag, a choreographic fellow at Danslab, and a faculty member at the Artez Dance Academy in Arnhem.

In 2010 he won the Dutch national prize for choreographic talent, and the No Ballet competition in Germany. ‘Tetris’ , a piece he made for young audiences, is currently touring internationally. Current projects include a co-production with Tanzhuis NRW/Het Lab (premiere fall 2012), a new cross-border collaborative work with Dutch and Belgian youth, & a series of public space performances in Cairo, Denmark and Sweden.

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