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Dani Torrent at One More Gallery NYC

From September 27 to October 1 works by Dani Torrent will be on view at One More Gallery

Wed, Sep 27 - Fri, Sep 1  2017

Gallery Onetwentyeight

From September 27 to October 1 “OMG / Deeper Ground” by Spanish artist Dani Torrent will be on view at One More Gallery in New York. Zjef van Bezouw, an established name in the Dutch art world, is the gallery ownerZjef curates distinctive OMG Events and Art Tours with a modern aesthetic, cultivated during his years as a gallery owner, mix media artist, event designer, and art director.

Sloth - Courtesy of Dani Torrent

As an artist, Zjef’s journey began as a successful Theatre Designer, with a specialization in stage and costume including cutting-edge Shoe design.  He expanded his artistic offerings by creating theatrical Events to showcase his work. Moving to mixed media art, he soon became “in demand” to create theatrical and artistic Events for commercial product launches, film festivals and art fairs across Europe.

Psychopomp - Courtesy of Dani Torrent

Throughout this journey, Zjef found inspiration in discovering and creating excitement around emerging artists and showcasing their talents. Inspired by New York’s vibrant art scene, Zjef arrived in the US from his native Netherlands in 2011. Most recently as a partner in Gallery Brooklyn, he uncovered new talent across a wide range of mediums. Today he brings this passion for emerging contemporary artists to OneMoreGallery.

Envy - Courtesy of the artist

“OMG / Deeper Grounds”

In the flow of our unconscious, everything becomes relative – the high and the low merge, and ethical and esthetic categories blur. The world hidden between dreams and consciousness, between shadows and light, is fluid and devoid of the security that norms provide. In the blink of an eye, what is innocent becomes monstrous – at once endowed with a mysterious, irresistible appeal. Our artist from Barcelona expresses himself in reflection and irony in an unlikely harmony.

Night of the Hunter - Courtesy of the artist

Bad Girls - Courtesy of the artist

See Dani Torrent’s works, paintings, and drawings during the PopUp Art Event at Gallery 128 Rivington, New York, NY.




DutchCulture USA