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Dutch actress Bianca Krijgsman nominated for Emmy Award

On November 24 the International Emmy Awards Gala will take place. Dutch actress Bianca Krijgsman is nominated for Best Performance by an Actress for her role in the television film De Nieuwe Wereld (The New World).

Mon, Nov 24 - Mon, Nov 24  2014

New York Hilton Hotel - New York Consulate Region

On November 24 the 42nd the International Emmy Awards Gala will take place. Dutch actress Bianca Krijgsman is nominated for Best Performance by an Actress for her role in the television film De Nieuwe Wereld (The New World).

About De Nieuwe Wereld

De Nieuwe Wereld tells the story of Mirte (Bianca Krijgsman), the grumpiest cleaner in the airport immigration centre, a single mother who cannot take care of her 9-year old son, just managing to keep a grip on her life by following a strict set of routines. That is until Luke arrives, a West African refugee who is not put off by her aggression. During the ten days of his asylum procedure their disruptive encounters lead to an unexpected relationship that will challenge Mirte to change her life. The film is a production of IJswater Films/NTR Television and directed by Jaap van Heusden.

About Bianca Krijgsman

Dutch Actress Bianca Krijgsman was born in Oudesluis, 1968. In 1993 she graduated from the Amsterdam School of the Arts (School for Drama). In The Netherlands she is well-known for her acting in comedy duo Plien and Bianca, which she formed together with Plien van Bennekom. She’s also famous for her role in several Dutch television productions, such as ’t Schaep met de 5 pooten (2006).

DutchCulture USA