The Dutch-Italian documentary film (R)esistenza, directed by the emerging filmmaker Francesco Cavaliere and produced by Wanda Glebbeek and Francesco Cavaliere, plays at the Washington DC´s RIFE film festival, October 15.
The Dutch-Italian documentary film (R)esistenza, directed by the emerging filmmaker Francesco Cavaliere and produced by Wanda Glebbeek and Francesco Cavaliere, plays at the Washington DC´s RIFE film festival October 15.
Francesco Cavaliere´s (R)esistenza is a documentary about stories of civil resistance in Scampia, notorious suburban district of Naples, considered Europe’s biggest drug market as also described in Roberto Saviano’s bestseller Gomorrah. Ordinary citizens in their daily struggle against organized crime, unemployment and social decay. Despite the harsh conditions there’s still room for a smile while they try to make their neighborhood a better place to live.
The trailer is available here.