Light installation by Alex P at Brilliant Baltimore
Dutch light artist Alex P will be on display at Brilliant Baltimore Festival from November 1st-November 10th from 5pm to 10pm.
ALEX P’s MAPP Light Project
MAPP is an abbreviation of Mapping At Private Properties. It is a mobile point-and-shoot video projection mapping system. The installation consists of a video projector, a camera and a laptop running custom software developed by AlexP. Everything is mounted together on a pram. MAPP makes a scan of its surroundings using the camera and subsequently shows an abstract and moving video mapping. Visitors of Light City can “step into the light” and become part of the artwork. Once the scan of the visitors has been made, they walk out of the light and see themselves in the colorful projection. Don’t forget to bring your camera for your light-art-selfies!
Brilliant Baltimore Book/ Light City Festival
The Baltimore Book Festival, a celebration of the literary arts, features author appearances and book signings, exhibitors and bookseller tents, readings on multiple stages, children’s activities, and cooking demonstrations. Light City, a festival of light, music, discussions and innovation, will feature a Light Art Walk at its center with awe-inspiring light art installations, performances, concerts, a fun-filled family zone, and Neighborhood Lights.