‘Egg-tion Hero” by Maas Theater en Dans
“Robot XS” by NTJong
_I_n collaboration with ASSITEJ NL, Dutch Performing Arts organizes a showcase of Dutch youth theatre at the International Performance Arts for Youth (IPAY) Showcase 2019. The showcase takes place in Philadelphia, PA from January 15th until 19th 2019, and is part of the Never Grow Up! youth focus year.
IPAY is an annual event which mission statement is “[t]o create professional and educational opportunities for key stakeholders in North America (artists, agents, and presenters) to engage around support of meaningful performing arts experiences for young audiences.” The event is a platform for theater companies from all over the world that cater to youth audiences in the US, and this year features several Dutch showcases as part of the Never Grow Up! focus year. You can find the Dutch showcases at booth 30 & 39.
Wednesday, January 16 | 4.15pm – 5.15pm | Suzanne Roberts Theatre
♦ Theater Terra – ‘The Little Mermaid’ (ages 6+)
♦ Meneer Monster/NORPA – ‘The Robbers’ (ages 4+)
♦ Het Nationale Theater/NTjong – ‘Robot XS’ (ages 6+)
Indulge in a three-part sampling of theatre and dance, interwoven with a presentation about Dutch TYA. You’re also warmly invited to the Dutch Performing Arts Toast(with drinks and bites) immediately following this program.
Cultural Spotlight: Beyond Tulips, Windmills, and Wooden Shoes
Wednesday, January 16 | 9.15pm – 10.15pm | Suzanne Roberts Theatre
♦ Theatergroep Kwatta – Jabberbabble (ages 6+)
A family show about four birds living together in one nest. Nobody understands their jibber jabber lingo. If we don’t speak the same language, are we still able to understand each other?
OFF-IPAY Showcase, reserve your seat directly with the company
Thursday, January 17 | 7pm – 8.30pm | Levitt Auditorium (UArts)
♦ Simone de Jong Company – Hermit (ages 2-6 years)
◊ Double bill with Maas Theater & Dance – EGG-tion HERO
Hermit is a funny and moving visual performance about a little house. The inhabitant is not at home, but we do hear him . . . A performance about being alone and coming home.
OFF-IPAY Showcase, reserve your seat directly with the company
Thursday, January 17 | 7pm – 8.30pm | Levitt Auditorium (UArts)
♦ Maas Theater & Dance – EGG-tion HERO (ages 3+)
◊ Double bill with Simone de Jong Company – Hermit
Two mimes watch over EGG-tion HERO. With minimal tools and a lot of garden-variety magic they make themselves, each other and the egg vanish into thin air. Definitely dangerous, so don’t try this at home!
OFF-IPAY Showcase, reserve your seat directly with the company
Friday, January 18 | 9am – 10.30am | Philadelphia Film Center
♦ plan d-/Andreas Denk – OW! (ages 5+)
‘OW!’ shows that life isn’t always fun, but can be painful as well. How do you deal with this pain, and how do you find comfort and a helping hand to get you back on your feet? A light-hearted dance performance about pain.
SHOW & TELL Spotlight, 20-minute excerpt
Friday, January 18 | 6.45pm – 7.35pm | Plays & Players Theatre
♦ De Dansers – Pokon (ages 4+)
An unstoppable game of growth. Like children racing across the playground, that’s how the three performers of Pokon storm the stage.
OFF-IPAY Showcase, reserve your seat directly with the company
For more information about the Dutch Showcase and the individual performances, take a look at the booklet below or download it here.