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European Literature Night with Sophie van der Stap

On May 12, Sophie van der Stap will present “The Girl With Nine Wigs” at the European Literature Night

Sat, May 12 - Sat, May 12  2018

Czech Center New York - New York Consulate Region

On May 12, Dutch author Sophie van der Stap will present her gripping novel “The Girl With Nine Wigs” (2006) during the European Literature Night at Czech Center, New York. European Literature Night is free and open to the public, please RSVP here.

About “The Girl With Nine Wigs”

Sophie is twenty-one when she is diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of cancer. A striking, fun-loving student, her world is reduced overnight to the sterile confines of a hospital. But within these walls Sophie discovers a whole new world of white coats, gossiping nurses, and sexy doctors; of shared rooms, hair loss, and eyebrow pencils.

Sophie van der Stap door Phillipe Vogelenzang, 2017

About Sophie van der Stap

Sophie van der Stap (1983) published her novel “The Girl With Nine Wigs” (sold half a million copies worldwide, translated into more than twenty languages, successfully filmed) in 2006. Sophie then settled in Paris where she wrote her novel “And What if This Is Love” and penned the essay “Outside Games”. She wrote an ode to her city for Het Parool in the aftermath of the Paris attacks on November 13, 2015. She currently lives in New York City and is working on a new novel while exploring different crafts in writing.

Girl With Nine Wigs

About European Literature Night

European Literature Night brings the spirit of European café culture to New York City, featuring readings performed live from fifteen exceptional European books, accompanied by an international book fair. New York audiences will move from room to room to hear literary work from prominent and up-and-coming European authors. The event is modelled after its overseas counterpart, offering a European style atmosphere where audiences can listen to readings and exchange ideas while enjoying a beer or a glass of wine. The selected books come from countries representing a diverse and varied Europe: Belgium-Flanders, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

Program May 12th

DutchCulture USA