Work of the Dutch artist Lique Schoot will be displayed at the ‘Bodies by Design: Modification, Coercion, and Resistance’ exhibition (October 3-25) at the Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines. The exhibition features works by an eclectic array of women artists, who engage with the issue gendered embodiment, asking: How do we survive and thrive in these extraordinary times?
Work of the Dutch artist Lique Schoot will be displayed at the ‘Bodies by Design: Modification, Coercion, and Resistance’ exhibition (October 3-25) at the Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines. The exhibition features works by an eclectic array of women artists, who engage with the issue gendered embodiment, asking: How do we survive and thrive in these extraordinary times?
Gendered embodiment has always been plastic: we adorn ourselves with piercings and tattoos; bind, confine, and refine our contours; and learn to move in and out of step with societal expectations. Today, consumer society places unprecedented pressure on women and men to conform, while the proliferation of subcultures allows for ever more outrageous inventions and expressions.
Lique Schoot is pre-occupied with the self-portrait since 1997. In 2003 she started to photograph herself every day, using a hand-held, 35/38mm film camera. These photographs are her visual diaries and the basis for her paintings, photographs, objects and installations. Her work shows daily life and general emotions like love, sadness and pain, and deals with the major themes of life, like birth, growth, decay and death, shown in different series. Work of Lique Schoot has been awarded several times and is regularly exhibited in and outside the Netherlands, in both galleries and museums.