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Museum of the City of NY Course “Native New York: American Indians and Dutch New Amsterdam”

Mon, Apr 4 - Wed, Apr 27  2022

Museum of the City of New York

The Museum of the City of New York once again organizes the popular  course for educators Native New York.

Explore the history and legacies of early New York through guided workshops, lectures with thought-provoking guest speakers, and primary source analysis. Learn about the cultural, economic, and political relationships between the Lenape and the Dutch in the 16th and 17th centuries and uncover the lasting legacies these interactions have had on New York City today. The course is online—and free! If participants wish to take the course for P Credit, they must still pay ASPDP’s course fee. Registration is required, seats are limited.

For registration instructions and information about P Credits through ASPDP, please see the website of the Museum of the City of New York.

Course Overview
In this multi-session, virtual course for educators, participants will investigate trade relationships and power dynamics between the Lenape and Dutch communities in New Amsterdam, examine documents, maps, and artifacts that speak to interactions between Native American nations and early European colonists in the Hudson River region in the 16th and 17th centuries, and consider how the natural environment affected the cultural, economic, and political experiences of those who resided there.

Course Calendar & Details
Native New York will run in April 2022. The course includes both synchronous sessions and asynchronous coursework. Synchronous sessions will be held via Zoom, dates and times below. Final dates and times are subject to change pending speaker availability; all changes will be confirmed and communicated with course registrants in advance.

Zoom Session Dates:

  • Mon, April 4, 2022 5-7pm
  • Wed, April 6, 2022 5-7pm
  • Thurs, April 7, 2022 5-7pm
  • Mon, April 11, 2022 5-7pm
  • Wed, April 13, 2022 5-7pm
  • Thurs, April 14, 2022 5-7pm
  • Wed, April 27, 2022 5-7pm
DutchCulture USA