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Petra van Noort Presenting her Work in New York

From Not Meant To Be / Solo (Twinless?), image by Anna M. Maynard

Fri, Oct 18 - Sat, Oct 19  2019

Green Space Studio - New York Consulate Region

Dutch performer Petra van Noort will be performing Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of October in Long Island, NY as part of Take Root at Green Space.

This will be the first public performance of “Not Meant To Be/Solo (Twinless?)” in New York, a combined video and live performance piece. It will be presented in a shared evening with Maria Naidu, who will be sharing another solo work.

Not Meant To Be/ Solo (Twinless?) is a journey that ploughs through because there is no other way, then discovers and realizes integration across a series of intimately close video and sensuously moved live performance segments. Sometimes understanding is not a linear process and un-you-sual moments reveal a new you now much more you than you ever knew yourself before…

Get your tickets here.

DutchCulture USA