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Rotterdam HipHopHuis at Hip-Hop Education Think Tank in Harlem, NY

The Hip-Hop Education Center and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture present Hip-Hop Education Think Tank III – Legacy Building: Cultivating a Global Cipher from the Streets to the Classroom in the Schomberg Center, Harlem, NY.

Sat, Nov 9 - Sun, Nov 10  2013

The Hip-Hop Education Center and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture present Hip-Hop Education Think Tank III – Legacy Building: Cultivating a Global Cipher from the Streets to the Classroom in the Schomberg Center, Harlem, NY.

The Think Tank will bring together over 300 seasoned practitioners, administrators, scholars, counselors, social workers, and teaching artists, amongst whom are five members of the Rotterdam HipHopHuis, a prominent center for training in HipHop Dancing, Breakdance, Masterclasses, and more. The Hip Hop professionals will work together in programs, and institutions of higher learning to professionalize the field of hip-hop education.

The HipHopHuis will present itself during an international panel on Sunday November 10. Director Aruna Vermeulen will speak about the strategie of the HipHopHuis in which the cooperation between the local hip hop community and cultural sector is an important key to succes.

Tickets: $40 for 1 day; $65 for both days. Limited Seating. Pre-purchases recommended. Day of seating not guaranteed.

DutchCulture USA