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Sebastiaan Bremer at the Dikeou Collection, Denver, CO

The Dikeou Collection celebrates the installation of photographs by Dutch artist Sebastiaan Bremer

Fri, Nov 1 - Tue, Dec 31  2013

Dikeou Collection

The Dikeou Collection celebrates the installation of photographs by Dutch artist Sebastiaan Bremer. In conjunction with Denver Arts Week and Know Your Arts First Friday, an opening reception will be held at the Dikeou Collection, 1615 California Street, Suite 515, Denver, Colorado 80202, on Friday, November 1, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Adam Gildar, founder and owner of Gildar Gallery on South Broadway, will orchestrate a special DJ set, playing rare and vintage grooves from our extensive vinyl record archive.

Sebastiaan Bremer currently lives and works in New York City. He is known to take ordinary snapshots and transform them into enchanting images that range from supernaturally ornate to lighthearted reality. Bremer achieves such a wide range of effects by directly altering the surface of the photograph and then enlarging it to the proportions of his own imagination. In his series titled “Schöner Götterfunken”, Bremer selected photographs from his family’s 1972 vacation in the Alps. The dramatic snowy peaks and vast fields of wildflowers provide the backdrop for activities like hiking, skiing, or lazily laying the grass, but they are given a does of surreality with Bremer’s addition of colorful floating orbs that add an extra sense of atmospheric depth. He does this by painting directly on the photographs, enlarging them, and then re-photographing them. This creates a fantastic dynamic between surface and image, between painting and photography where, as Bremer says, “you see how it’s made, but the magic still works.” Works from Schöner Götterfunken have been exhibited at Edwynn Houk Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland (2012), Daegu Photo Biennale, Korea (2012), and by The Lower East Side Printshop at Editions|Artists’ Book Fair, New York (2013). Bremer’s photographs have also been featured in issues #20 and #23 of zingmagazine, an avant-garde “curatorial crossing” published by Devon Dikeou.

After nearly seven years successfully running Illiterate Magazine and Gallery, Adam Gildar has begun a new progressive gallery of his own, dedicated to presenting compelling contemporary art. Launched in February 2012 Gildar Gallery showcases artists with growing personal visions and is committed to expanding awareness locally, nationally and internationally for these creators perpetually seeking new horizons in their work.

About the Dikeou Collection
The Dikeou Collection is a Contemporary Art Collection in Downtown Denver that was  established in 1998 by siblings, Devon Dikeou and Pany Dikeou. Operating as an extension of New York publication,zingmagazine, the Dikeou Collection features work of approximately 30  international artists. DevonDikeou is an artist herself, the founder, editor, and publisher of zingmagazine, as well as a collector. Her interest in the platform of exchange between collector, artist,viewing context-museum, collection, gallery, magazine-and viewer engendered her artistic practice, zingmagazine, and the formation of the Dikeou Collection.

DutchCulture USA