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The Williams College Museum of Art presents the exhibition “SO – IL \ WCMA: Building a New Museum”

Renderings of design for new purpose-built Williams College Museum of Art by SO-IL

@ All images Williams College Museum of Art

Fri, May 24 - Sun, Dec 22  2024

WCMA, 15 Lawrence Hall Drive, Williamstown, MA

From May 24 until December 22, 2024 the Williams College Museum of Art will present an exhibition on the recently unveiled design by Brooklyn-based firm SO-IL for the College's first purpose-built art museum.

After years of thoughtful planning, the Williams College Museum of Art (WCMA) and Williams College have partnered with SO – IL, an internationally-recognized architecture and design firm based in Brooklyn, New York, to create a new, state-of-the-art building as the museum’s first purpose-built home since it opened here in Lawrence Hall in 1926 in what had previously been the college’s library. The design process for the new WCMA began in June 2022 and has been an exciting, collaborative journey between the design team, the museum, and the college.

Organized jointly by the design team and the museum, this exhibition showcases plans and renderings of the building design. It also offers a view into our work in progress and the fluid and iterative process helped us get to where we are today. Our hope is that this provides a sense of what goes into the design of a complex and ambitious building, and provides an opportunity for our communities to learn and think together about what it means to make a campus art museum for the future.

WCMA and SO – IL have benefited tremendously from working in partnership with executive architects Perry Dean Rogers, landscape architects Reed Hilderbrand, and the members of the Williams College Campus Building Committee who served as advisors and ambassadors for the project.

The new Williams College Museum of Art is projected to open in 2027.

DutchCulture USA